The Bhoomitrasenea Club, Sree Sankara College, Kalady with the financial support of Directorate of Environment & Climate Change, Government of Kerala organised a One Day Seminar on Energy Conservation to comommorate World Energy Conservation Day 2023 on December 15 in the college campus. Bhoomitrasena Club Coordinator Dr.Mini KD welcomed the audience. Principal Dr.Preethi Nair inaugurated the function.Dr.Sijo George Associate Professor EEE, ASIET Kalady and Azeem K, Senior Energy Consultant, Alenso Energy Pvt.Limited lead the classes on Energy Efficiency and Home Energy Audit. As part of the Energy Conservation Day programme, an Energy Quiz was also organized for the students of the college. Faculty members of Bhoomitrasena Club Dr.Sinitha B Nair, Dr Anumol K A and Dr.Manju V Kumar conducted the quiz. Winners were given prizes.