Dr. Priyasenan V,
External Research Guide
Department : Microbiology
Educational Qualifications : Ph.D
Phone : 9605341435
Paper Publications
( International / National/Peer Reviewed/ISSN) )
Emodin induces apoptosis of human cervical cancer cells through poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage and activation of caspase-9., Eur. J. Pharmacol. 473: 117-125 (2003), Elsevier, 473, ISSN NO.-0014-2999,
Effect of feeding cuttlefish liver oil on immune function, inflammatory response and platelet aggregation in rats. , Current Science, 2005, CSIR, 88: 3, 10 , ISSN NO.-0011-3891,
Review article: cephalopod research and bioactive substances, Indian journal of geo-marine sciences. 2011, CSIR, Vol 40 (1) February 2011, ISSN NO-0379-5136 ,
Cytotoxic effect of ink extracts of Cuttlefish and Squid on Chick Embryo Fibroblasts, Int J Pharma Sci Res ,2013, Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 4(5); 1893-1896 , ISSN NO.2320-5148,
Anticancer property of purified fraction c2 of cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis) ink on cervical cancer cell, Indo American Journal of Pharam Research. 2013, PRIMORIES PUBLICATIONS, 3(9);7444-7454, ISSN NO.-2231-6876,
Aloe vera- A Miracle plant with Biological Actions. (Review article)., World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1. 3(11); 209-218., 1. ISSN NO-2278-4357 ,
Antibacterial Activity of Methanolic Extract of the Ink of Cuttlefish, Sepia Pharaonis against Pathogenic Bacterial Strains. , Int J Pharm Sci Res 2015, Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 6(4): 1705-10. , ISSN NO.2320-5148.,
Isolation, screening and identification of amylase and catalase producing bacterial strains from marine sediments. , Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 2020, CSIR, vol.58 (2020)853-860, 0975-1009+,
), Bioethanol production from local fruit waste and its optimization, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2020, CSIR, vol.58 (2020),879-882. , 0975-1009,
Bioactive Compounds from marine invertebrates and their pharmaceutical potential,, Int J Pharma Sci Res (IJPSR) 2022, Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 13(2);739-46, ISSN NO.2320-5148,
Isolation, screening and identification, Int J Pharma Sci Res ,2023, Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 14(4): 1778-82, ISSN NO.2320-5148,
Isolation, screening and identification of urease producing bacterial strain Bacillus species from marine sediments, Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2023, Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 14(7): 3527-32. , ISSN NO.2320-5148,
Process optimization and production of bioethanol from vegetable waste., Agric Res J 2023, 60 (4) : 592-596, , ISSN 2395-1435. ,
Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activity of Copper Nanoparticles Synthesised from Centella Asiatica., GAU Research Journal 2022, GAU Research Journal , 47 (2) : 100-109, ISSN 0250-5193,
Contributed Chapter in book
Current Advances in Biosciences, , Removal of microplastics from the environment;A review of current technologies,, 1, ISBN: 978-93-94638-64-8, Thanuj International Publishers,8/173-B, Vengayapalayam, Rasipuram,Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India – 637406.202, Priya Senan V , (Sona A, Jyothilekshmi S), 2023-
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, Isothermal Amplification Methods, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 1, 1. ISBN: 978-81-947071-6-5., Darshan Publishers, Tamil Nadu, India , Dr. Sona A and Dr. Priya Senan V , (Dr.Sona A), 2021-
Recent Advancements and Research in Biological Sciences, , Corona Virus Disease -2019 (COVID-19): A Literature Review, 1, ISBN: 978-81-952529-1-6 , Thanuj International Publishers,8/173-B, Vengayapalayam, Rasipuram,Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India – 637406.202, Dr. Priya Senan V, , (nil), 2021-
Recent Trends in Life Sciences Research., Isolation and Screening of Protease and Lipase Producing Bacteria from Marine Sediments,, 1, ISBN: 978-81-947071-3-4, Darshan Publishers,Tamil Nadu,India, Edito, Dr.R B Tripati , (nil), 2021-
Edited book
Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, 1, 1. ISBN: 978-81-947071-6-5., Darshan Publishers, Tamil Nadu, India `,
Dr. Sona A , -2021
Recent Advancements and Research in Biological Sciences, , 1, ISBN: 978-81-952529-1-6 , Thanuj International Publishers,8/173-B, Vengayapalayam, Rasipuram,Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India – 637406.202`,
Dr. R.B. Tripathi, Dr. P. Vijaya, 2021-